Practical information

Opening hours and location


Opening hours:​
12.09.2024 – 12:00 - 19:00
13.09.2024 – 10:00 - 15:00

płatny 30 zł za jeden wjazd.


Opening hours:​
14.11.2024 – 12:00 - 19:00
15.11.2024 – 10:00 - 15:00



A ticket to the fair is free if you accept all marketing consents.

If you do not accept marketing consents, please purchase your ticket on the spot at the ticket offices. The cost of a ticket is £50.



Fair location:

EXPO Krakow International Trade Fair and Congress Centre

ul. Galicyjska 9
31-586 Kraków

Familiarise yourself with the regulations for safety and use of the facility and car park in force at EXPO Krakow.

Know more



Fair location:

Trade Fair and Congress Centre AMBEREXPO in Gdańsk
Żaglowa 11
80-560 Gdańsk


Access to EXPO Krakow:

  • By taxi - Wawel Taxi: (12) 19 666 or (12) 19 123
  • GPS: 50°03'36.1 "N 20°00'26.2 "E
  • Google Maps: 50.060039, 20.007283
  • By public transport:
    • 174, 178, 578 (nearest stops M1 Nowohucka)
    • 1, 14, 22 (closest stop Rondo 308. Dywizjonu)